[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text="SIP SMALL. SIP SAN DIEGO: LOCAL NONPROFIT FEATURING URBAN WINERY, MEADERY & CIDERY MEMBERS ANNOUNCES NEW LOOK, NAME" font_container="tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%2300619c" google_fonts="font_family:Montserrat%3Aregular%2C700|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal"][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]

We are so thrilled to reveal the new name and look of our organization! 

Meet SIP San Diego: A Collective of Urban Wineries, Meaderies & Cideries! We hope you love it - We think it's vibrant, eclectic, and well, just plain fun, a perfect reflection of our beloved San Diego.

So why the change?

A while back we announced our nonprofit organization had opened up membership to meaderies and cideries.

“As a forward-thinking organization, we felt there were far too many similarities among the industries, the beverages and the clientele to not open our membership to cideries and meaderies in an effort to do more together than we can do separately," said Dana LaFleur, SIP San Diego President.

In 2013, we launched as San Diego Urban Wineries with a mission of showing San Diegans you don't need to leave the city and go to a big winery to enjoy good wine and a great time. 

Well, we feel more than confident that mission has been accomplished and we’re excited to move forward with a similar mission with the addition of talented mead and cider makers! These urban wineries, meaderies & cideries aren't just releasing delicious, award-winning craft beverages, but they are great local spots to gather with friends and family.

So now that you know the story, you may be wondering why "SIP San Diego?"

“SIP” is an ode to our flagship tasting events we host every year - “Sip the City” in Seaport Village and our newest “Sip by the Sea” at the Del Mar Plaza. We are counting the days until we can host another event, this time even bigger and better, featuring our new cider and mead members!

We are so excited to bring you all things San Diego wine, mead & cider and encourage you to: Sip Small. Sip San Diego.
